L i f e i n B o n i n I s l a n d

After living a monotonous life, commuting for 3 hours a day, getting all the new viruses available, confused and tired; decision time hit my life. Traveled for 3 months in search of answers and guidance. It was Chichijima were the flow took us to and now it is our home. Time has stopped and now we LIVE life.

Apr 28, 2011

A day of work - Hatsuneura ---> Ishiura ----> Sanctuary

This is a common route for the surfers in this Island.  It takes around an hour to go down and one and a half hours to go back up. The route coming back from Ishiura to Sanctuary has been closed due to the erosion and the damages caused to the native vegetation. If I had done this 6 months ago it would have been a pain in the arss but after so many months of climbing the mountains I must proudly announce that this time I had a great time and no muscles hurt the next day. Climbing up the unused route was tough, we did some rock climbing and jungle swimming but it all payed off. We saw 5 zato kujira whales!! jumping and playing in the ocean and later on the almost extinct akagashira karasubato!!!

Hatsuneura Beach on a cloudy day

Ishiura Beach

Akagashira karasu bato

Apr 26, 2011

Curry and rain

A British friend living in Guatemala taught me how to make a delicious curry. I used to crave it so much just because after eating it I felt like I was slowly sedated into a heavenly state of mind. I learned how to make it but it was never as good as his. I made this curry the other day and it came close to it but just never as good as that one. 

The view from our window is this. A woodland of wiggly trees and some native Island vegetation. 
This day we could see the fog in between the trees as it rained all day. 
Staying at home was an obligation and I love those kind of nature force obligations like hibernation or having to stay at home when it rains. It was a cozy and comfortable day.

Dessert - Pears cooked with Grand Marnier

Canned pears cooked in low heat with butter, lemon slices, brown sugar, cinnamon and Grand Marnier (orange liquour). Quick, delicious and elegant dessert ;)

Apr 25, 2011

Small wonders of Ogasawara

The small wonders of Ogasawara 
A bee flying from flower to flower in a spring day
I wonder if I would have noticed such a small beauty if I had a busy schedule
Grateful to have time to appreciate life

When I looked inside this flower it felt like a little ghost would swallow me to another world
the softness of the petals and the delicate touch of it 
life is so precious 

There is art in nature or nature is art? I wonder...
But there are no better designs than the ones that nature does

The patterns of a leaf

The patterns of the clouds 

Caribbean skirts? Hawaiian dancers? Rain drops?
Take a moment and look at the small wonders


Apr 22, 2011

Island Breakfast and fresh coffee

Birthday present from my beloved. This manual coffee grinder is awesome! I saw about a year and half ago in Kamakura, great for a coffee lover. It came with Guatemalan coffee and regular coffee. In the mornings I grind the coffee beans which size can be regulated, when I open it the smell from the inside anticipates a delicious coffee. The whole drinking coffee is getting closer to becoming a morning ritual. 

We used to have a french press but it broke so we use our handy Vietnamese coffee filters. Just put the ground coffee and pour hot water and wait until it comes to the bottom. Some have big holes so it doesn't get enough time to grab the flavors but some have smaller holes that do the job. 

Island Papaya with freshly picked mint from our garden and fresh coffee! Mmmm...
Healthy, local and delicious.

Apr 20, 2011

The story of the disaster. March 11 2011 Earthquake, Tsunami and Nuclear Meltdown


  • BEFORE NUCLEAR POWER PLANTS: After the World War II the industrial growth in Japan doubled every 5 years until the 1990's, increasing the energy consumption of the nation. Until 1950 half of the energy was supplied by coal, one third by hydroelectricity and the rest by oil. The nation's GPS and energy consumption increases were hand in hand, but after the 1980's other sectors such as commerce and transportation started to take a big role in the increase of energy consumption showing a big change in people's lifestyle and comfort. 

    • HOW IT STARTED: Due to the increasing demand of energy and two main oil crisis, other energy sources had to be incorporated. Japan's energy supplies are mainly imported and to aim for better energy security, diversification was necessary. Natural gas, Nuclear power and other renewable sources such as solar and wind power started to be considered. Japan has a very delicate history with nuclear technology due to the atomic bombings in Hiroshima and Nagasaki during the WWII there for it was of great importance to make a clear distinction between the physics of Nuclear power and Nuclear weapons not only in Japan but in the world.  
    • ANTI NUCLEAR POWER PLANT ACTIONS: Survivors of the atomic bomb called "Hibakusha" and citizens who had suffered from the war were against nuclear energy being introduced to Japan. Anti nuclear organizations are still to this time working on eliminating nuclear power plants in Japan specially considering that after the WWII Japan's primer minister Mr. Sato at that time had stated that Japan shall neither possess nor manufacture nuclear weapons, nor shall it permit their introduction into Japanese territory.

      Article 1 (the objective)The objective of this Law should be to secure energy resources in the future, to achieve the progress of science and technology and the promotion of industries by fostering the research, development and utilization of atomic energy and thereby to contribute to the welfare of mankind and to the elevation of the national living standard.
      Article 2 (Basic policy)
      The research, development and utilization of atomic energy shall be limited to peaceful purposes, aimed at ensuring safety and performed independently under democratic management, the results therefrom shall be made public to contribute to international cooperation.
    • GOVERNMENT INCENTIVE MONEY TO OPEN POWER PLANTS: Having not found information about this, citizens living in this area have commented about the incentive money that the governments to the local municipalities if they allow the opening of power plants in their departments. 
    • NUMBER OF POWER PLANTS IN JAPAN: There are 55 operating Nuclear power reactors all over Japan. 


    I was gardening up on the mountains of a pacific island located 1000km South of Tokyo called Chichijima. Suddenly I hear the emergency siren on the background although the echo coming from the mountains and my naivety on the situation made me think it was a standard evacuation practice that Japan does every so often. After several sirens I decide to check if there is something wrong going on (around 4pm). With no TV at home I check the news on my computer and there it is, one of the biggest earthquakes scaled magnitude 9.0 on Japan's history hits the Northeastern part of Japan at 2:46PM (epicenter time) and consecutively Tsunami waves that reached up to 37.9m washed away kilometers of inhabited houses, in some cases up to 10km inland. With only 10 minutes of anticipated Tsunami warning to evacuate, not many people get the chance to save their lives. The news are everywhere, images are shown as the number of missing people increase. It seems to be son unreal, so far away but as I come back to reality I realize that the sirens are for Tsunami warnings for us.

    With a population of around 2000 people, the main town is located in Futami bay at sea level. Our home is located up in the mountains away from town, so we were safe and decided to go to a high peek and check the ocean. People had to evacuate to higher ground and those owning boats such as fisherman and ocean tour guides take a big risk by moving their boats to the center of the bay to protect them from bashing into the port walls in case of a tsunami. A very dangerous act, but their work depends on those boats and risks have to be made. As I stand up in the mountain the colors of the ocean and the sun shining between the clouds make the whole disaster unreal, I am tremendously grateful to life for being there. Suddenly as we look the town beach, it seems that the ocean line has lowered and the beach has widened. A friend who saw this from closer said "It happened really quickly and we could see the corals of the bottom of the ocean".  Fortunately the water came in slowly, but the water reached ground level. The town river flooded and cars that were parked in the port were damaged but houses were not affected and there were no people injured.

    Went back home after talking to friends and making sure their family members were fine. As I turn the news back on I see another disaster, Nuclear Meltdown! The Fukushima power plant is on fire, the water cooling system is not working and the different reactors are out of control. The news keep showing every update moving from earthquake effects to tsunami and to the meltdown news.

    In my head I start to wonder about our situation, the reality in this Island. Even though we are so far away from Tokyo and would probably not be affected unless the nuclear power exploded we are "safe". The biggest concern is that this island depends on food and economy from Tokyo and mainland Japan. If things did get bad, our only boat that carries our food once a week would not come and without much agriculture going on we would starve. The other question is if the food that we are getting is going to be contaminated or not? But the biggest question is SHOULD I LEAVE? Friends in Tokyo and Shonan start to evacuate to a safer zone or decide to return to their homeland. We have to make a decision soon since the boat is coming in a couple of days, our only exit but that could be risky. What if things get bad once we get there? or what if we decide to stay but it is too late to go back? Every day, uncertainty, a whole week passes by and the question is still the first thing we think in the morning. The boat left? There is another one coming next week but is things seem to be under control and we commit to stay in this Island and survive. People start buying the food from the supermarkets and people who don't have the time to shop are left with very little. Town hall meetings are made to listen to people's thoughts and to keep them informed of the real situation of the Island. Food is going to be coming as expected but a little less than usual, there is gas in the storage, the gasoline will be sold in few amounts, water cleaning drugs are still available and electricity can be produced but in less amount. It is asked for the people to cut down on electricity and save gas.

    As for what is going on the Northeastern part of Japan is a complete different story. They have lost their homes, their family members, their jobs, their towns, everything. The remaining people are in refugee camps trying to be warm from the cold northern winds. People are being evacuated from a 20km radius of the Fukushima Nuclear power plant.

    To be continued... 

    Map of Japan's power business development  http://www.jpower.co.jp/english/ir/pdf/2010-05.pdf
    Anual report 2010 of Japan's energy development http://www.jpower.co.jp/english/ir/pdf/2010.pdf
     More Information:

    Apr 15, 2011

    Day of work - Sanctuary (Hatsuneura Route)

    This path used to be connected to this surf beach, Ishiura beach. This day the waves just came in sets one after another. I am not a surfer myself but I know my loved one would have loved to have the day off and gone surfing. It is a reef beach so it is not to be taken lightly specially because the road back is 1.5 hours walking up a steep hill.

    This is the East side of the Island, most of the humans of this Island inhabit on the West side. 

    There were 5 butterflies and I gave it a random shot but only got 2 and a half butterflies. They were dancing in the warm air getting blown away from side to side. 

    Lunch time and afternoon nap. (This is my favorite scarf, I got it from the Mango shop) 

    Found this shiny little stones on the ground. 

    As I keep saying, Ogasawara's beauty lies on the tiny little things. 

    Bones of a dead goat :(

    Another tiny little red spider! How cool!

    Apr 14, 2011


    We named "him" BLANQUITO our neighbor's cat. When we moved in he used to come and enjoy the winter sun at our decking and when it is rainy he wants a warm place to be. Are all cats like this? This day he was on our couch and I was petting him when suddenly he bit my hand so hard I shook him and couldn't get my hand free... Wild cats (street cats) are not allowed in this Island. They are predators of the endangered Akagashira Karasubato (Wood pigeon) and so they have cages and traps around the forest to catch any wild ones out there. This one is not wild but surely not respectful. There are not many wild animals in this Island, the biggest wild animal would probably be the Fruit bat, Nosuri and the Wood pigeon. No monkeys or kangaroos :( hehe

    Apr 12, 2011

    A day of work - Tatsumi --> Tokoyo

    Today at work we were sent to check out the route from Tatsumi to Tokoyo. We left around 9:15 and got to the  the end at 2:00 pm with a very slow pace, looking at the plants and breathing all the fresh air. 

    This is a type of Guava called Banjakuro and it is not yet the season but we found some yellowish ones that could be eaten. 

    It is sweet but sour and the flavor is very similar to the Guaba

    We bumped into this cute little goat on the way...
    He looked at us for a while and then decided it was best to tell mom some strangers were looking at him and then they ran off! hehe 

    Maybe a type of cedar or fern. 

    I strongly believe that Ogasawara's nature is hidden deep in all the small things. You really have to look closely and find some time to look and appreciate. It is not like Australia or Kenya where you will see things flying and running all over the place, it is a place where the green has silently and peacefully evolved. 

    New moon

    Tokoyo Waterfall is a small waterfall cuddled in a valley next to a river. I would like to visit it during the rainy season and shower :)

    Spring or Summer not sure but WHAT A DAY! The sun touching my skin and the warm wind warming my heart. Kominato beach was active! with people running, fishing, kayaking and swimming. Ogasawara's summer here we go!

    Apr 9, 2011

    Allotment (zone 2)

    Yesterday and today working on our allotment. My back is killing me but have you ever heard of an addiction towards growing vegetables? That is what I have... cannot stop knowing there is much I can do. 

    This is what I call zone 2. Zone 1 are the plants around our decking like herbs and plants that need of more care and less sun. This is zone 2 where we're planning to plant onions, carrots and lettuce. Instead of digging, what we did was to add our compost poo and layered it with dirt and cardboard, after a month and a half we got this very rich dark soil. I think it could have waited a bit longer but as I said it is an addiction. 

    The boat comes today and that is when we do the weekly shopping. It is a bit concerning not knowing if our food is radiated or not... We try to check where it comes from but we don't know all the Japanese characters of the places affected. 

    I did yoga this morning on our decking, did a tripod head stand but I think it wasn't a good idea after having a heavy breakfast. Since we moved to our new house which is 3 months ago I haven't really done much yoga at home so I gave it a shot today. It is a great feeling! I would like to have a better routine and wake up earlier to do yoga but if I try to wake up earlier... I get grumpy. haaaa 

    As I grow older there are things I wish my nature could develop for me... like
    1) wanting to wake up earlier
    2) wanting to go to bed earlier
    3) wanting to do the dishes
    4) wanting to swim in cold water
    5) wanting to hike all day
    6) wanting to do yoga everyday 
    7) Being more confident and strong 
    Could it be possible that I could develop such things without having to work too hard. I hope so! If that was the case I would love growing older, I already like it though. 

    Apr 8, 2011

    gateau chocolat

    There is a small library (a room) in town where you can borrow magazines and books. Some of my favorite magazines in Japanese are Jikyu jizoku (self sufficiency) and Tennen Seikatsu (natural living). My Japanese has not improved since I stopped going to Japanese school which was 10 years ago but this magazine has great pictures that make me want to improve my Japanese. In the back they have recipes and I found this one that I would like to try. If it looks good I will load the picture on the blog. 

    There it is, if you can read Japanese. It looks delicious!

    Apr 6, 2011

    gloomy day

    Some days are gloomy... it is not always paradise in this paradise. 
    Sunshine makes a huge difference here, it is like the oil paint pallet explodes of blues and greens but on a cloudy day.. mmm

    Local vegetables from a local friend. What a great present! Spinach, radish and her personally grown beans. Thank you so much S-san we will enjoy them in our home. 

    Presenting to you - Calophyllum inophyllum OR just Terihaboku

    The fruit with the seed inside
    Now this one is Tamana and this is the changing leaf season. On a sunny day the colors reflect on the river and gives a romantic image to the river. 

    Almost all the fun things are prohibited on the beach... 

    Rolan Viewpoint. The Island on the other side is Anijima. It means brother Island and we live on father Island. It was named after they found a rock with the shape of a man's private part and Hahajima- mother Island has mountains shaped as breast...

    mmmm shiragexxxxxume something like that. Sorry I don't remember the name but it smells amazing!

    Not bad for a gloomy day