L i f e i n B o n i n I s l a n d

After living a monotonous life, commuting for 3 hours a day, getting all the new viruses available, confused and tired; decision time hit my life. Traveled for 3 months in search of answers and guidance. It was Chichijima were the flow took us to and now it is our home. Time has stopped and now we LIVE life.

Nov 23, 2010

you'll stop working this month! NO! you know what TODAY!

That is how I stopped working in the Italian restaurant, Buono Horizon. In Japan there are ways of quitting, as well as in other places in the world I guess. I gave a notice but my notice was expanded until Mid January which would mean working new years and Christmas eve...  So I was released, I am free!
Free in an Island were time is slow means that time will slow down much more. I will start a new job as a forest ranger in December which I look forward to but that is half a month away.
First things first! Start baking and doing all of those little things that I have been wanting to do for long.

apple pie - English style
Delicious shared with neighbors on our Nachos party night

It is still gloomy since last post probably but one day we had a surprise sun! Hiking off we went with our bento and compass. The path was not labeled so we worried about getting lost but we found our way home with no problem. On the top we had a beautiful view of the East side of the Island, it just reminds me that we are in the middle of the pacific ocean, so far away from civilization. What took us so far away? Why did we end up so secluded from society?

Is it our rebellion against societies rules? or just simply the thirst for peace and nature? I don't really know. But since I have been here time has allowed me to look inside myself and something has changed. Meditation has helped as well as yoga. That time were you close your eyes and let all those thoughts just pass by, not grabbing any just watching them from distance and then slowly you sit inside with yourself. What a blessing to have such time to share with myself, I am very sure that I had not done that for long or even ever.

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