L i f e i n B o n i n I s l a n d

After living a monotonous life, commuting for 3 hours a day, getting all the new viruses available, confused and tired; decision time hit my life. Traveled for 3 months in search of answers and guidance. It was Chichijima were the flow took us to and now it is our home. Time has stopped and now we LIVE life.

About Me

Two cultures in one at home, mother from Honduras and father from Japan. Home was a mixture of a hidden passion and a strict moral home. Father built my wings and mother gave me the freedom to fall and fly. Profoundly grateful I am to have been able to see this two wonderful cultures in my life. 5 young brothers followed me and soon I saw myself becoming a sister and a mother. Studied Architecture and due to economical problems I couldn't conclude my career and that is what took me to exploring other sides of the world. Looking to be an independent woman in Japan, it has been a long way  and slowly I discover my own self and desires.

On my daily life I practice Yoga and aspire to live a sufficient life that is kind to our Mother Earth. A balanced life, working on what you like or enjoy as well as enjoying the simple things life is waiting for us to see. I enjoy, baking, cooking, swimming, yoga, home, nature, family, art, books, music and all the little pleasures of life.

Even though my father is Japanese I find myself struggling with the cultural miss understandings.  The latin blood flowing in me calls for Honduras. The food, the music, the people, the easiness and simpleness of life. But here I am, in a beautiful Island trying to live an ideal life with my other half; to see for myself this process and for others interested I start this blog.

Hope you enjoy it.