L i f e i n B o n i n I s l a n d

After living a monotonous life, commuting for 3 hours a day, getting all the new viruses available, confused and tired; decision time hit my life. Traveled for 3 months in search of answers and guidance. It was Chichijima were the flow took us to and now it is our home. Time has stopped and now we LIVE life.

Jul 5, 2011



I found this goggles along a beach, there was clearly no owner for them. Is what I thought. And Karma has come back to me, I forgot them at a beach and came back 3 days later to get them and boom, GONE! I understand that the person who found them thought the same thing I thought when I found them. The cycle of life, and now oceans are seen through others eyes with those goggles. 

Now, I think that if what I had left was a wallet or a camera no one would take them away. The fact is, goggles are such a small item (this ones probably cost less then 1000yen) there for the idea of taking them with you is not harmful in fact is quite a smart choice. "lucky me! what a day!" is what you would naturally think but think twice... 'cause this might be the day you loose yours. 

Time to find new ones... I mean buy new ones :)

1 comment:

  1. LOL
    It's soo true!... you made me laugh with this one!
