L i f e i n B o n i n I s l a n d

After living a monotonous life, commuting for 3 hours a day, getting all the new viruses available, confused and tired; decision time hit my life. Traveled for 3 months in search of answers and guidance. It was Chichijima were the flow took us to and now it is our home. Time has stopped and now we LIVE life.

May 16, 2011

Our garden

Welcome to our home... 





Our other tomatoes growing in the taped green house

And here is a clue that the chickens were trying to get in but haven't had the guts.


tiny little one


These are our little babies they have been growing during this long rainy days. It is a great joy to go to the decking and see how everyday they change. I look forward to eating their fruits, eating better  for cheaper. It is not much but it is a good start!

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