L i f e i n B o n i n I s l a n d

After living a monotonous life, commuting for 3 hours a day, getting all the new viruses available, confused and tired; decision time hit my life. Traveled for 3 months in search of answers and guidance. It was Chichijima were the flow took us to and now it is our home. Time has stopped and now we LIVE life.

Mar 7, 2012



The endless and infinite horizon. If you set to move towards any direction, no matter which, you will for sure arrive somewhere. But even a small angle can make a huge difference in the ultimate goal you will achieve. You could go to Tokyo or to Peru. Life is all about making these kind of decisions, there is an infinite amount of choices that will take you to complete different places. It will for sure take you to a place, if you decide to paddle and even if you decided not to paddle you will arrive somewhere! wow... Do you choose to paddle or do you choose to let go and flow to where the ocean wants to take you to?

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